Returning to Base Camp

I recently heard a story about the journey of climbing Mount Everest. As this story was told to me, it takes a massive effort to reach the first milestone that climbers call “base camp”. From here they will attempt the next level. In most cases they attempt this next level a number of times, before successfully completing it. After each attempt to climb the next level they return to “base camp” to assess their options.

When businesses and managers introduce change, whether that be a cultural change, process improvement or new program, the success of the program can be linked to a number of factors including: the planning involved, the implementation plan and ensuring that the momentum you have created, continues.

What if during the implementation there was the opportunity to return to base camp to regroup and continuing the momentum?

Returning to base camp gives you an opportunity to take stock of what has already occurred, what challenges have been faced, opportunities to make changes and improvements. A chance to see the forest for the trees! A chance to acknowledge that not everything has gone to plan and an opportunity for stakeholders to have further input to the way forward.

Even if you are a manager who is wanting to try something different. Sometimes the every day gets overwhelming and whatever you are trying to do differently or implement gets lost along the way. Don’t give up on it. Take a moment to breathe and return to base camp!

Ask yourself the following questions:

When it was working well, what was I doing?
What wasn’t working well and what could I change to make it work better?
What could I stop doing in order to focus on what I want to achieve?
What is the best way to move forward from here?

Whilst momentum may have slowed, by returning to base camp you will re-engage your team/stakeholders, re-energise everyone involved and allow the momentum to gain speed once again!

What initiatives/projects/changes are you working on that would benefit from a return to base camp?